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Understanding the cost of investment management

Across the institutional investment community, disclosure and transparency of costs continues to be evolving, but not fast enough. A paper by Commonfund Institute reveals only 18 per cent of respondents in an endowment survey reported incentive and performance fees paid to asset managers despite the fact that nearly 85 per cent of respondents reported having […]

Pension fund governance needs an overhaul, still

How much has pension fund governance changed in the past 16 years? Not much! A survey of pension fund governance by Keith Ambachtsheer and John McLaughlin, which asked respondents the same questions in 1997, 2005 and 2014 reveal that the same “sources of excellence shortfall” exist today as they did 16 years ago. Pension fund […]

Invert the business model to focus on members: Ambachtsheer

There is a lot more work to do in raising the quality of governance of pension boards around the world, Keith Ambachtsheer told a conference of Australian superannuation fund trustees and staff last week. “We have to stop thinking about organisational needs and think about member needs. The business model must invert from serving organisational […]