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Infra risks misunderstood

Investors in infrastructure do know how much risk they are taking and they are not happy about it, according to the 2019 EDHECinfra/G20 survey. This is the first installment of a three part series examining the results according to asset allocation, monitoring and risk management.

Factors trump skill: MSCI

MSCI research has shown that, among top-performing funds, more than half of active returns come from factors, rather than manager skill, and style factors have the biggest impact.
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Do pension funds add value?

Asset owners, on average, add 15 basis points of value above their asset class benchmarks after fees, according to an extensive study by CEM Benchmarking. The survey, which measured 6,666 data points from a global set of defined benefit plans, and some sovereign wealth funds and buffer funds, from 1992-2013. Gross of investment fees, funds […]

Benchmarking infrastructure a step closer

The first valuation and risk measurement model created for unlisted infrastructure debt has been developed, with the release of a paper showing the valuation of illiquid infrastructure project debt, taking into account its illiquidity and the absence of market price feedback, can be done using advanced, state-of-the-art structural credit risk modelling. The paper by EDHEC-Risk […]
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Parrado’s guide to building sovereign wealth funds

They may be on opposite sides of the Earth, but Chile in Latin America and Central Asia’s sparsely populated Mongolia share more than a few similarities. Both boast some of the biggest copper deposits in the world and now Mongolia has turned to Chile for advice on how best to steward income from its forecast […]
Investor Profile

Autumnal Danish fund shows spring growth

Innovation is associated more with bold new businesses than gently declining ones, but Denmark’s Lønmodtagernes Dyrtidsfond (LD) is embracing change as it enters its final years. The pension fund’s inevitable disappearance has nothing to do with any lack of competitiveness or poor investment returns – the 9.9-per-cent net return it generated in 2012 is testament […]