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Blackrock looks favourably on equities

Blackrock has a favourable view on equities, relative to bonds, but within fixed income it advocates an unconstrained approach. Amanda White spoke to chief investment strategist, Russ Koesterich.   Equities look cheap relative to bonds or cash, says chief investment strategist for Blackrock and iShares chief global investment strategist, Russ Koesterich, with the manager recommending […]
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Ventures on the risk spectrum

Hershel Harper received an early education in finance when he used to read Business Week in High School. The 43-year old now at the helm of the $27-billion South Carolina Retirement Systems, investing on behalf of South Carolina’s 350,000 public sector workers, says he knew back then he wanted to manage money: “I really am […]
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Is the Great Rotation passing pension funds by?

The prospect of a seismic shift from bond to equity investments looks set to pass most of the world’s pension funds by, argue experts. The concept of a ‘Great Rotation’ rose to prominence following its use by Bank of America Merrill Lynch in October. It argued in a note that “the era of bond outperformance […]
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Parrado’s guide to building sovereign wealth funds

They may be on opposite sides of the Earth, but Chile in Latin America and Central Asia’s sparsely populated Mongolia share more than a few similarities. Both boast some of the biggest copper deposits in the world and now Mongolia has turned to Chile for advice on how best to steward income from its forecast […]
Investor Profile

Billion-dollar beef-up at Barclays’ OPAM

If Tony Broccardo, head of Oak Pensions Asset Management, the investment arm of the £23-billion ($35.6-billion) pension fund for employees of London-headquartered bank, Barclays, wasn’t a fund manager he would have been an architect. But Broccardo has applied similar skills of stress testing, planning and making something structurally secure to the return-seeking fund, one of […]
In-house Investments

Railpen, the open DB fund with locomotion

Despite the constant pull on Railpen chief executive Chris Hitchen’s expertise in other directions, most recently helping to run NEST, the UK government’s new low-cost pension scheme, he is resolute that his primary task is ensuring Railpen, inhouse manager of the £19-billion ($30.4 billion) pension scheme for Britain’s rail industry, successfully delivers on its monthly […]