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PRI in Person

CalPERS pushes for carbon disclosure to boost returns

Mapping a company’s carbon footprint, or the emissions it produces, is an important and growing part of portfolio analysis at CalPERS says Anne Simpson, senior portfolio manager and director of global governance at the $307 billion fund speaking at PRI in Person 2015, the annual conference for the UN-supported international network of investors working to […]

The importance of investment beliefs

It’s often said that investment beliefs provide the solid frame on which investment strategy can hang. Some of these Magna Carta’s are beguilingly simple, like ‘Costs Matter’. Others may enshrine beliefs like ‘A Long Term Investors Has Opportunities and Responsibilities.’ So, it was with keen interest that delegates at PRI in Person 2015, the annual […]
Sustainability Digital – Sept 2020

The power of engagement

It is called the “CalPERS’ Effect” but it could easily be called the asset owner effect, or the institutional investor effect, or the power of engagement effect. Wilshire, which is a consultant to the $300 billion Californian fund CalPERS, has provided an update on its study measuring the effect of engagement on a targeted list of companies called the Focus List.
Uncategorised posts

CalPERS gives its managers ESG ultimatum

In what promises to be a transformational moment for ESG integration and investment manager accountability, CalPERS will require all of its managers to identify and articulate ESG in their investment processes. CalPERS staff led by Anne Simpson, senior portfolio manager and director of global governance, presented the ESG manager expectations, and draft sustainable investment guidelines, […]

Does pay for performance work?

Governance experts say that paying competitive salaries for internal staff will have benefits across the entire fund. For some, including those working in public sector pension funds or profit-to-member funds, that is unpalatable. But a comparison of salaries and total investment costs, between two large, different and high profile funds – Ontario Teachers and CalPERS […]
Uncategorised posts

Why long-horizon investors should adopt factor-based asset allocation

Long-horizon investors can withstand macro-economic volatility and so should tilt towards strategies that are exposed to that, including value, small cap and momentum. Oleg Ruban, vice president in the applied research team at MSCI says this validates factor-investing and factor-based asset allocation for these investors.   Appropriate asset allocation requires explicit attention be paid to […]