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Pipes over promises

The Canadian Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) is shunning European sovereign bonds, with the $152.8-billion fund’s head of investment saying European infrastructure offers far more attractive risk/return opportunities. Mark Wiseman, CPPIB’s executive vice-president of investments, told delegates at last week’s Milken Institute Global Conference 2012 in Los Angeles that the fund had chosen not to […]
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US public pensions take to social media

US public pension funds, under fire for the sustainability of their defined-benefit plans, are increasingly opening a new social-media front line in the battle to influence public opinion. The Maryland State Retirement and Pension System is the latest to step up its social media presence, posting its first You Tube video, which outlines the positive […]
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a money-go-round

As debate rages in the US about the generous retirement benefits and high cost of state and local defined benefit (DB) schemes, new research sheds light on the role these funds play in stimulating the economy and creating jobs. Pensionomics 2012: Measuring the Economic Impact of DB Pension Expenditures looks at the effect of DB […]
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Total cost shakedown at CalPERS

Up to 8.9 basis points will be slashed from the total cost of managing the CalPERS’ investment portfolio in the next three years, under a new investment resource strategy which could also see internal administration costs increase by $6.5 million next year, and internal staff accountable for internal versus external management allocations. The internal investment […]
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Six ways to satisfaction, SEC told

The Securities and Exchange Commission should reinstate the investor advisory committee it abandoned in 2010 as part of a wider commitment to address near-term financial market reform, a group of institutional investors from across the globe have stated. The investors, who represent combined assets of $1.6 trillion, wrote to SEC chairman Mary Schaprio calling for […]