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CalPERS internal team rivals external providers

Following a restructure of the team along functional lines, the CalPERS internal passive equity team is now able to handle any risk or complexity in the portfolio at least as well as any external manager, according to a review by its consultant Wilshire, although some extra coding of the Charles River system for compliance purposes […]
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CalPERS to link pay with performance

The CalPERS board will have the discretion to reduce or eliminate investment staff performance pay in years of negative performance of the fund, in a revised compensation plan to be presented to the board this week, chief investment officer Joe Dear told
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CalPERS adds specialist consultants

CalPERS has made three additions to its General Pension Consultant Services Spring-Fed Pool, including a consultant that specialises in sustainable consulting, infrastructure and property with its sector-specific research including climate change.
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CalPERS to fight lower-return future

Investment staff and four selected consultants expect CalPERS’ returns will be less than the fund’s current 7.75 per cent – a finding on the agenda of a special investment workshop next week, alongside static versus dynamic asset allocation and the use of leveraged bonds.