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CalPERS’ role in tackling racism

CalPERS has a moral imperative to confront racism and economic inequality, according to its president, Henry Jones, who spoke to Amanda White in a Sustainability series podcast about his own experiences growing up in the segregated south and the role of investors in shaping a future which is just, equal, inclusive and deeply grounded in fundamental human and civil rights.
FIS Digital – June 2020

Meng talks CalPERS leverage plan

In a fireside chat, CIO of CalPERS Ben Meng talks about how the fund wants to use leverage to push deeper into private assets, while Ronald Wuijster, chief executive officer, APG Asset Management said the policy response has made taking advantage of buying opportunities difficult.
Asset Allocation

CIOs ride the corona storm

Even for long term investors who pride themselves on the big picture and horizons stretching far into the future, the unprecedented change of recent weeks is hair-raising. Enough liquidity on hand to take advantage of buying opportunities once they arise and comfortably pay benefits is crucial. We look at the strategies of investors around the world in response to the market conditions.
Investor Profile

CalPERS board’s divestment dilemmas

The merits of tracking divested dollars, and the value of data illustrating what the pension fund has missed out on was the topic of much debate at the December CalPERS board meeting. In 2021 the fund will review six divestment programs across tobacco, firearms, coal, Iran, Sudan and emerging market equity principles.