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CalSTRS’ governance work recognised

Without full proxy access on the corporate ballot, broader shareholder activity such as majority vote and compensation alignment are set back, according to corporate governance director at CalSTRS, Anne Sheehan, who together with chief executive, Jack Ehnes, has been named on the National Association of Company Directors’ list of 100 most influential corporate governance leaders.
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California dreamin’ of responsible funding

Relief for Californian state fund investment chiefs, their bosses and their members – with CalSTRS and CalPERS both returning 20+ per cent for the financial year – has been usurped by a reminder to politicians that the funds cannot invest their way to good health and a responsible funding strategy is required.
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Californian funds told to invest in their own backyard

California Treasurer Bill Lockyer (pictured) sent his deputy Steve Coony to a recent CalPERS board meeting to tell the pension fund they needed to do more to invest in their own backyard. Coony shares his views with on how public pension funds can play a greater role in boosting California’s ailing economy.
Investor Profile

CalSTRS moves on innovation, risk

CalSTRS is in contract negotiation with a hedge fund consultant, with a view to hiring global macro hedge funds as part of its innovation portfolio, and the next tasks will be reviewing commodities and non-traditional benchmarks, as the innovation and risk unit comes of age.