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Californian funds look through 3D to diversify boards

The two large Californian public funds, CalPERS and CalSTRS, recently collaborated to help develop a new digital resource dedicated to finding untapped diverse talent to serve on corporate boards. Director of corporate governance at CalSTRS, Anne Sheehan (pictured), discusses the need for such a resource, and why collaboration is such a key component of corporate […]
Uncategorised posts

Placement agents reject Californian reform

The institutional pull of CalPERS and CalSTRS is not enough for placement agents to change their practices, with a study of global placement agents revealing discontent over new legislation which requires them to register as lobbyists if they are working with public pension funds in California.
Investor Profile

CalSTRS overlays its fuzzy buckets

After deciding at the last investment committee meeting to employ a new way of evaluating portfolio risk which overlays risk across asset classes, rather than replacing asset classes with risk categories, CalSTRS now just has to work out how to do it. Amanda White spoke with chief investment officer Chris Ailman about the fund’s journey […]