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Climate-change investors damn US weakness

A group of more than 250 institutional investors has damned individual country national policies, particularly highlighting inadequacies in the US, as preventing more private capital flowing into climate change-related investments. The collaborative stance comes ahead of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Cancun, Mexico.
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CalSTRS to get nimble for risk…

CalSTRS will explore the potential of risk-oriented strategic allocation management and wider asset class ranges, as it sets out its investment business plan for 2010-11, which also includes collaborating with UC Regents and CIC about improvements to Barra One – its risk management system – and potentially further insourcing. Each fiscal year CalSTRS sets out […]
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CalSTRS team rejig makes way for new deputy CIO

The $130 billion Californian fund, CalSTRS, will hire a deputy chief investment officer who will oversee the new absolute-return asset class, investment operations and a majority of the day-to-day investment branch management. This brand new position will allow the chief investment officer, Chris Ailman, to focus more on portfolio management and asset allocation. All existing […]