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Investor Profile

CalSTRS asset liability study recommends…

The investment staff of the $170-billion Californian Teachers Fund, CalSTRS, will present new asset allocation recommendations to the board next week, with a reduction in fixed income and the adoption of a new “absolute return” category the likely outcome. The fund is in the final stages of the long process of its 2012 asset liability […]

The smoking gun at CalSTRS

For a pension fund that describes itself as “ponderous”, the $154-billion California State Teachers’ Retirement System, CalSTRS, has moved uncharacteristically swiftly in recent months. The second largest public pension fund in the United States, the plan for teachers and faculty is in the process of divesting its holdings in gun manufacturers following the massacre at […]
Uncategorised posts

CalSTRS puts small caps under microscope

Encouraging the widespread corporate adoption of a majority-voting standard, promoting diversity on boards and collaborating to improve the way funds report environmental performance are just some of the focuses of the CalSTRS corporate governance team. Anne Sheehan, CalSTRS’ director of corporate governance, talked exclusively with about what the key issues are for the self-described […]
Uncategorised posts

CalPERS, CalSTRS champion for diversity

The Californian pension funds, CalPERS and CalSTRS, have taken a leadership role in promoting corporate board diversity, demonstrated in the launch at the NYSE this week of 3D with GMI Ratings, and membership in the Thirty Percent Coalition. 3D, which stands for Diverse Director DataSource, is a databank of pre-approved board candidates with an emphasis […]