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Economists call for targeted spending

Three prominent Chicago Booth economists have called for more targeted spending by the US government to more effectively manage the disruption to the economy, but they are not worried about inflation in the near term.

Factors trump skill: MSCI

MSCI research has shown that, among top-performing funds, more than half of active returns come from factors, rather than manager skill, and style factors have the biggest impact.
Chicago 2015

Coal is dead

Renewable energy infrastructure is an immature market and needs an accepted definition of equity risk, according to Jim Barry, global head of Blackrock Infrastructure Investment Group.
Chicago 2015

Be contrarian

Investors should be contrarian in their private equity allocations because there is a negative relationship between capital flows and returns.
Uncategorised posts

Is the financial services sector serving the public interest?

Fiduciary law, which creates the boundaries and rules for asset owners managing other people’s money, is evolving. The short-termism, misaligned incentives and complex and over-supply of services that characterises financial services, is under fire. Regulators around the world are increasingly looking at how to change the behaviour and supply chain dynamics in the industry, and […]