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Copper: Where is the bottom?

For years metals such as aluminium, zinc and nickel have been persistently oversupplied. The copper market, in contrast, has been much tighter, primarily because China needs to import the metal but is largely selfsufficient in other metals. This has seen copper trade at a premium to other base metals and be recognised as a good […]
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UniSuper defies accepted thinking

Mention any asset class to John Pearce, chief investment officer of Australian superannuation fund UniSuper, and he will doggedly set out the good and bad thinking around it. A common source of his ire is the sight of investors herding around a belief based on a lack of rigorous thinking. Good practice for him involves […]
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Tackling sustainability in emerging markets

Emerging market investing and sustainable investing easily rank as two of the most substantiated of the many investment trends of the past decade. However, the two styles of investing are far from natural bedfellows. Christian Ragnartz, as chief investment officer of the $17-billion-plus Swedish pension fund AP7 – which has 13 per cent of its […]
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CPPIB doubles logistics spend in China

The $165.8-billion Canadian Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) has substantially increased its investment in logistics properties in China, doubling its funding of a partnership with the Goodman Group. It is the second time in a year that CPPIB has doubled its exposure to logistics properties in this Chinese joint venture, with its latest injection of […]
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Funds chase
the dragon

Institutional investors are turning their attention to Asia, with CalPERS the latest large pension fund to announce a new foray into the region. America’s biggest public pension fund this week announced it would invest $530 million in two new real-estate funds targeting investments in China. Despite concerns about a residential property bubble in China, CalPERS’ […]

Growth in China wind and solar energy to slow

China’s 12th Five Year Plan sets out ambitious goals for de-carbonizing China’s electricity supply. The plan emphasises a large-scale expansion of renewable and low-carbon electricity energy sources.