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ESG and alpha: ESG integration in China

New research by the PRI suggests integrating ESG into investment practices in China is set to become best practice. It makes sense for asset owners to mandate ESG incorporation with their managers as markets are opening up and ESG risks and opportunities affect corporate performance in China.

China’s opportunity

The crisis in China is far from over. But the Sustainable Finance Institue’s Huang Zhong and Cary Krosinsky, author of the upcoming Modern China: Financial Cooperation for Solving Sustainability Challenges, argue it is never too early to look at what went wrong. They argue if the Chinese government and its ruling party applied some basic sustainable investment principles, it would have taken a very different approach towards critical stakeholders such as Dr. Li and potentially avoided some of the negative consequences.
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Reaction to Coronavirus: Cambridge Assoc

The Wuhan coronavirus is still spreading, but according to Aaron Costello who is regional head, Asia, at Cambridge Associates, investors should stay calm. The virus remains less deadly and more contained than the SARS outbreak of 2002–03. Looking at other epidemics, history suggests that after an initial sharp hit, economies and markets typically recover quickly.