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Inaction over Woodside demonstrates complexity for Australian funds

Australia’s first-ever shareholder vote on climate change, put to Woodside Petroleum in April, provided superannuation funds with a prime opportunity to support the sustainability principles that many of them have espoused for years. But at this first hurdle, many crashed and burned, prompting the question: how seriously are funds pursuing sustainability through their investments?

Climate change: addressing the major skeptic arguments

This paper by the Columbia Climate Center at the Earth Institute, Columbia University, and commissioned by DB Climate Change Advisors, examines the claims being made about climate change science. It higlights the importance of understanding the science in the context of a climate change investment thesis.
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Strategic implications drive climate change study

The 14 institutional investors participating in the climate change strategic asset allocation study, a collaborative between Mercer, Carbon Trust and the IFC, will all receive individual portfolio scenario analysis of how physical and policy climate change-related events could affect their portfolio at an asset allocation level.
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Spotlight on Copenhagen

Convener of the P8 Summits- a group of 12 of the world’s largest pension funds tasked with influencing policy makers on climate change – and deputy director of the University of Cambridge Programme for Sustainability Leadership, Aled Jones, examines the Copenhagen Accord and what it means for investors.
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P8 told to cut developing world’s carbon

Gareth Thomas, Minister of State with the Department for International Development in the United Kingdom, has urged pension funds to help boost private funding for low carbon investments in the developing world, calling on the group of investors at the P8 Summit to consider potential public financing mechanisms emerging from the private sector, including advanced […]