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More work needed on climate integration

There has been widespread adoption and more board engagement since the launch of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures recommendations in 2017 but more work is needed to get a uniform and comparable approach to climate change disclosure across the investment community.

A sustainability taxonomy for investors

The EU expert group for sustainable finance has published a taxonomy, or green encyclopedia, that gives guidance to investors looking to finance the transition to an economy in line with the Paris Climate Agreement. PGGM’s Brenda Kramer, who is a member of the EC’s sustainable finance technical expert group, explains how this could be a game changer in the long term.

Urgent policy action needed on climate

Last month Ceres convened the largest group of businesses calling for climate legislation in at least a decade. Their message was loud and clear: Congress must put forward policy responses equal to the severity of the climate crisis including a national price on carbon.