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Long Covid for the global economy

Prevention is the balm for global economic shock, says respected central bank adviser Professor Warwick McKibbin who says the world’s economic future is uncertain and inflation is likely to remain under a persistent pandemic.
Investor Profile

New Zealand Super reviews risk budget

New Zealand Super just returned its best-ever result of nearly 30 per cent. In addition to the gains from its overweight position to equities the fund also fully hedged the currency. Amanda White explores the fund’s strategy and the risk budgeting review currently under way.
Featured Story

Stiglitz: No global recovery without equal access to vaccines

Celebrated economist Joseph Stiglitz, University Professor at Columbia Business School, says the slowness in developing a comprehensive approach to debt in emerging markets and developing countries will result in a weaker global recovery. He urged for a restructuring of debt in a coordinated approach between the public and private sector.
Asset Allocation

Simplicity rules in South Carolina AA

Executives at the South Carolina Retirement System pulled off a previously unimaginable task in 2020, conducting a complete review of the fund’s asset allocation, simplifying its portfolio, negotiating with suppliers, and gaining approval from the commission, all while working entirely remotely. Amanda White speaks to executive director Michael Hitchcock about the new portfolio and the process of getting there.

The best of 2020

In 2020, as the world and global economies changed so dramatically, we were on our toes to innovate our media and event offerings in a bid to give you what you needed to navigate a changing world. We pivoted to a digital event offering, introduced podcast series and created a COVID-19 research hub