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FIS Santa Monica 2012

Push the reset button on pension funds

The global economy is on life support and the best that can be expected for the next five to 10 years is to get out of the intensive care unit but not off the critical list. Slow growth, low interest rates, serious unemployment levels, marginalised activity in the growing informal sector, sovereignty as a defensive […]
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Danish pension fund ATP expands to UK

Danish pension fund ATP will expand its operations into the United Kingdom, and the new head of its UK operations, Morten Nilsson, says they can offer a more diverse range of investments and better risk controls than what is currently available to many British pension fund members.
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ESG culture crucial to integration says innovating funds

Some of responsible investing’s most sophisticated adherents have moved from token aspirations to attempting to imbed environmental, social, governance integration into all their investment decisions. talked to Dutch asset manager PGGM and Danish fund ATP, which are both widely regarded as ESG leaders, about how they have integrated ESG into their investment processes.
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Time to come clean, says Ambachtsheer

The International Centre for Pension Management’s Keith Ambachtsheer believes if pension fund stakeholders “fessed up” about the real state of their funding situation, the business of pension fund management, and its subsequent investments, will have a brighter future. He spoke to Amanda White. There are not many pension funds around the world that can satisfy […]