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Remembering David Villa

David Villa, executive director and chief investment officer of the State of Wisconsin Investment Board, passed away on the weekend. Amanda White reflects on his legacy.

SWIB praises tech overhaul

Portfolio-level views of risk and alpha-generating strategies help explain why the State of Wisconsin Investment Board says its technology refresh has already paid for itself.
FIS Amsterdam 2013

Hybrids win governance race: Wisconsin research findings

Hybrid pension schemes, combining both defined contribution and defined benefit characteristics, are best for governance because they align interest of both employees and sponsors argue David Villa, chief investment officer of the $91-billion State of Wisconsin Investment Board (SWIB) and Sorina Zahan, partner and chief investment officer of Chicago-based Core Capital Management, speaking at Conexus […]
WPF Risk Summit

Hybrids: best of both worlds

The funding levels of US public pension funds, falling from 100 per cent in 2001 to 77 per cent now, is the result of bad governance, according to David Villa, chief investment officer of the $91 billion State of Wisconsin Investment Board (SWIB). He says irrational governance and imprudent management has resulted in the funding […]