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Divestment doesn’t go far enough

Many investors are ridding their portfolios of assets that contribute to human suffering, but that may not go far enough. Tim Hodgson writes that a global fix requires something far more bold.

The ‘Divest Invest’ premium

A sample Divest Invest portfolio outperformed under climate-change modelling, when compared with a more traditional allocation exposed to fossil fuels and lacking tilts towards climate solutions.
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OTPP advises on climate risk mitigation

Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan (OTPP), an investor known for its advanced risk-management tools and processes, considers that the common tools available to investors to mitigate carbon risk for investors – portfolio carbon footprints and thematic divestment – provide incomplete risk management. The fund has suggested macro- and microanalysis is necessary to understand a company’s complete […]
PRI in Person

Asset owners step up battle against climate change

Spurred on by its vocal student body and a rich ESG precedent it’s no surprise that the $91 billion University of California is leading on climate change investment. “We thought about our beliefs and realised that climate change matters because it will impact our investments over the long term. We can’t afford to sit idly […]
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How to allocate assets to combat climate risk

  Mercer’s extensive climate change report, launched today, gives investors a practical framework for monitoring and managing climate risk, shifting the discussion from philosophical agreement to practical investment implementation.   In Investing in a time of climate change Mercer outlines extensive dynamic investment modelling that analyses changes in the return expectations of assets between 2015 […]
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Behind Norway’s coal divestment

The Norwegian Parliament’s finance committee recommendations to direct the Government Pension Fund Global to divest from companies that generate more than 30 per cent of their output or revenue from coal-related activities, is the evolution of a climate-related investment strategy that dates back to 2010. Amanda White explores the raft of tools the fund uses […]