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Economic future very precarious: IMF

The global macro-economic future remains precarious amongst huge uncertainties according to the head of the capital markets department at the IMF, Tobias Adrian, who warns of fragilities including the disconnection between the real economy and financial markets, and growing debt, as potential interruption to future growth.
Investor Profile

Australia’s rethink for the Future Fund

The CIO of Australia’s A$175 billion sovereign wealth fund, Raphael Arndt, sees a time on the not-too-distant horizon when the assumptions that have shaped investment strategy will no longer hold true. He’s working on a more comprehensive process for this challenging new world.
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Blinder: a power of paradox at Princeton

Pension funds or any investor holding a slug of long-term fixed income needs to factor in some capital losses soon, says Princeton academic and former vice president of the Federal Reserve, Alan Blinder. “The timing is difficult to predict, but three or 15 months, it doesn’t matter. It is predictable,” he says. “The unpredictable part […]