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Investor Profile

Dutch fund bolsters bonds, chills on bricks

Things are suddenly looking cheerful again in the world of Dutch pensions. The country’s famous tulip fields might not be set to bloom until April, but investors already have a harvest to delight at from a good year of investing. For instance, Hans de Ruiter, chief investment officer of the €2.5-billion ($3.36-billion) TNO pension fund […]

Past volatility making way for future steady yields

The role of emerging markets debt is evolving from a return-enhancer to providing some buffer against volatile markets. Emerging markets debt has been one of the best performing asset classes in the last decade but experts say those spectacular returns may be a thing of the past. There are signs emerging markets debt is becoming […]
Emerging Markets

Investors look to broaden debt exposures

At a time of increasing risk and diminishing returns from traditional government bond investments, a growing number of large investors are beginning to cast their eyes toward emerging markets as a way to broaden their fixed-income portfolios. Paul O’Brien, head of fixed-income strategy at The Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA), considered by many to be […]
Emerging Markets

Strong investor interest in corporate debt

Emerging markets corporate debt is taking on a bigger role in fixed-income portfolios with attractive yields and strong underlying fundamentals relative to both sovereign and developed-market high-yield debt attracting investors. While still beholden to sell-offs in risk assets, emerging markets corporate debt has seen strong inflows from institutional investors driven by returns that have outperformed […]
Uncategorised posts

Pimco advocates emerging markets

The flight to quality was not limited to certain developed-country debt during the volatility in the second half of 2011. Indeed, Pimco’s global co-head of emerging-markets portfolio management Ramin Toloui says that some emerging-market government bonds are potential safe havens during times of market stress. He says that the bond giant’s Global Advantage Government Bond […]
Uncategorised posts

Emerging markets offer glimmer of hope in 2012

It seems all predictions for 2012 are predicated on the assumption that the mess in Europe doesn’t hit the global economic fan. But as money managers gaze into their crystal balls at what 2012 might hold, emerging markets, particularly Asia, seem a bright spot amid the gloom.