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Review highlights obstacles to long-term thinking

The Kay Review into UK equity markets and long-term decision-making is one of the more sensible of a raft of reviews that have evolved from the crisis. It looks at the interaction, behaviour, incentives and decision-making of all the players in the financial services “value chain”. More than some nationalities, the Brits have been concerned […]
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Index providers push into active managers’ domain

Index construction is pushing the boundaries of active management, with index providers launching products such as high beta to take advantage of market movements. S&P Indices is the latest to add to its family of high-beta indexes, recently launching two indexes of developed and emerging markets. Alka Banerjee, S&P Indices’ vice president of strategy and […]
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How sovereign risk hits equities

The severe impact of the European debt crisis on financial markets has spurred EDHEC-Risk Institute to investigate whether equity investors can earn a premium through sovereign risk. Professor Nöel Amenc, EDHEC-Risk Institute director, speaks about the emergence of what could be a new risk factor and other research focusing on Asia.
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ADIA positive on equities outlook

The world’s largest SWF, the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA), added a number of new portfolios to equities and fixed income and reorganised its internal passive equities team in 2010, according to its second ever annual report, in which it also predicted a positive outlook for equities.