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Stiglitz: No global recovery without equal access to vaccines

Celebrated economist Joseph Stiglitz, University Professor at Columbia Business School, says the slowness in developing a comprehensive approach to debt in emerging markets and developing countries will result in a weaker global recovery. He urged for a restructuring of debt in a coordinated approach between the public and private sector.

PRI sets strategic vision

This week the PRI launched its new three-year strategy which enables continued delivery of its 10-year Blueprint for Responsible Investment. Martin Skancke and Fiona Reynolds discuss the strategy which comes at a significant moment for the organisation and its global signatories as well as for the wider responsible investment movement.
Manager Relationships

RI at core of manager relationships

When leading asset owners work with managers, they incorporate ESG issues into contracts and threaten to terminate relationships due to materialising ESG issues. To help make ESG considerations mainstream in investment management contracts the PRI has released a guide for investors on the manager selection and monitoring process.
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Car industry divided by race to zero

The car industry is a stark case study in the unstoppable momentum in a race to zero that will leave behind old-school manufacturers. According to champion of COP26, Nigel Topping, Detroit’s car manufacturers risk Armageddon by staying in the fossil fuel industry while European and Chinese.
Sustainability Digital – March 2021

Virtual AGMs stop robust engagement

Watered-down shareholder participation at AGMs, due to virtual meetings during the pandemic, is sounding alarm bells at APG, the largest pension fund in Europe, where collaboration with other asset owners and organisations is the beating heart of its ESG strategy and a central tenet to its stewardship response to the pandemic.