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G7 agreement shows benefits of engaging policymakers

Fiona Reynolds, managing director at the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) discusses why it’s in everyone’s interests for more investor voices to be heard between now and November before the world’s nations converge at COP21 in Paris.   The announcement that the G7 leading industrial nations have agreed to cut greenhouse gases by phasing out the use of […]

Fiduciary duty: great power, great responsibility

As the landscape for investment changes rapidly, so too does the notion of fiduciary duty. Fiona Reynolds, managing director of PRI, argues that using the status quo as a reason not to adapt to changing perceptions and new demands from investors is no longer possible or acceptable. The PRI will publish a fiduciary duty roadmap […]

2015 could be watershed year for ESG issues

2015 is poised to be the turning point as a number of key issues relating to environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues take centre stage says Fiona Reynolds, managing director of the Principles for Responsible Investment.   First and foremost is climate change. With the Paris talks scheduled for December 2015, it’s an issue that […]
Harvard 2014

G20 urged to develop policies to support long-term investment

The Fiduciary Investors Symposium (FIS) at Harvard University has identified several of the key barriers to pension funds, endowments and sovereign wealth funds adopting more effective long-term and sustainable investment strategies, and is preparing a communiqué to the upcoming meeting of the G20 to convey its concerns and its policy requirements. FIS, organised and hosted […]

Is chasing lower taxes really a strategy for value creation?

Investors are just beginning to understand global tax issues and the risks associated with aggressive tax planning by the companies int their portfolios, Fiona Reynolds, managing director of PRI says there are a number of common-sense measures that companies should begin to put in place.   The 2014 G20 Summit to be held in Australia […]

Investigating long-term mandates

The PRI is investigating the experiences of asset owners that have engaged service providers in long-term mandates, and conducting a literature review on long-termism, in a bid to develop a reference guide on how to implement a long-term mandate and drive long-term behaviour.   Managing director of PRI, Fiona Reynolds, said the starting point, and […]