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Investors wary of a fragmented world

As geopolitical risks increasingly stalk developed markets, asset owners sifting through the noise for long-term trends believe a fragmented world is here to stay. We spoke to CalSTRS, OPTrust, PFA and USS about the impact on their portfolios.
FIS Digital – June 2020

Understanding US/China relations

Understanding the fractious relationship between US and China is more important– and simultaneously more confronting – than it has been in the past, according to Stephen Kotkin, professor of history and international affairs at Princeton University. While the China investment challenge has always been to capture the aspirational middleclass, the high-profile historian says “the big money that’s going to be made in China is going to be made from the dislocation”.
FIS Digital – June 2020

What can the past teach us?

Institutional investors' investment strategy should be serving the China middle class and the dislocation from within Asia, according to Stephen Kotkin,Professor of History and International Affairs at Princeton University speaking at the Fiduciary Investors Symposium at Cambridge University. He explored what the geopolitical conflicts of the past can teach us about the future. He looked at some of the key points in history, how China, the European Union and the US have survived, and what it means for the future.