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Funds chase
the dragon

Institutional investors are turning their attention to Asia, with CalPERS the latest large pension fund to announce a new foray into the region. America’s biggest public pension fund this week announced it would invest $530 million in two new real-estate funds targeting investments in China. Despite concerns about a residential property bubble in China, CalPERS’ […]
Uncategorised posts

Oxford seeks global property opps

Oxford Properties Group – the real estate arm of Canadian pension fund OMERS – has an ambitious growth plan that includes expanding its footprint globally and growing its portfolio of properties to more than $30 billion. Oxford’s president and chief executive Blake Hutcheson (pictured) says that the fund is patiently building out its portfolio of […]
Real Estate

Mezzanine opportunities in real estate

Institutional investors could consider the issuance of new performing senior and mezzanine debt as a lower risk opportunity in real estate, according to a new paper, “Real estate debt – from crisis comes opportunity”.