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Tail risk and hedge fund returns

This paper by academics at Erasmus University and the University of Chicago shows that hedge funds exhibit persistent exposures to extreme downside risk, and that tail risk is an important determinant of the time-series and cross-section variation of hedge fund returns. Further it concludes that these results are consistent with the notion that a significant […]

Risk management in commodity derivatives trading

EDHEC-Risk Institute research associate Hilary Till looks at the risk management of commodity derivatives trading and the lessons that can be learned from recent high profile trading debacles. Till, a principal, at Premia Capital Management, LLC, analysed several case studies and looks at risk management at large institutions, proprietary trading firms and at hedge funds. […]
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Are hedge fund investors getting what they paid for?

Alternative hedge fund beta allows investors to access the returns generated by hedge funds without the pressures of finding alpha, says Fama family professor of finance at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, Tobias Moskowitz. Moskowitz says there are three components to hedge fund returns: unique alpha, traditional market beta, and “something else”, […]