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What is the future of hedge funds at CalPERS?

A rigorous debate between staff, consultant and investment committee has resulted in the $224-billion CalPERS deciding to fund an allocation to hedge funds from its global equities allocation, using futures to neutralise the policy allocation, rather than have a separate strategic asset class. But the strategy is on watch, and will be reviewed mid-next year.

The changing role of hedge funds in the global economy

According to the modelling in this paper, a modest allocation to hedge funds would improve the returns to US public pension funds by about $13 billion annually. It also shows that the track record of hedge funds in recent years illustrates that hedge funds have not been “an important source of systemic risk”.
Investor Profile

New Jersey doubles allocation to alternatives

New Jersey’s public pension fund is looking to almost double its allocation to alternatives, particularly hedge funds, lifting that allocation to a third of its assets, and is scaling back on equities despite it being its best performing asset class this year.