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Investors focus on hedge fund correlations: survey

Accessing non-correlated strategies has emerged as the top institutional aim in hedge fund investing, according to a survey by SEI Knowledge Partnership and Greenwich Associates, reflecting a shift in objectives since the 2009 survey, when institutions reported diversification and absolute return as priorities.
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Detecting crowded trades in currency funds

This article by Momtchil Pojarliev and Richard Levich proposes a methodology to measure crowded trades and applies it to currency managers. According to the authors, this methodology offers useful insights regarding the popularity of certain trades among hedge funds and provides regulators with another tool for monitoring markets.

How do hedge funds manage portfolio risk?

Gavin Cassar from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, and Joseph Gerakos at the Booth School of Business, University of Chicago, investigate the determinants and effectiveness of methods that hedge funds use to manage portfolio risk. They find that levered funds are more likely to use formal models to evaluate portfolio risk.