The new CIO at the Hawaii state pension fund is looking for additional sources of uncorrelated return, including hedge funds, and will look to add new managers to the lineup. Sarah Rundell talks to Elizabeth Burton.
Air Canada, the pension fund for Canada’s flagship carrier, is preparing to manage external assets in a bid to let other pension funds and institutions tap into its top decile performance and 65-strong expert internal team.
The $41 billion University of Texas Investment Management has been investing in China since 2007 and its CIO, Britt Harris says it “must be taken seriously”. Presenting at the endowment's board meeting, co-CIO of Bridgewater, Bob Prince, agreed, saying “China is too big to avoid”.
The Employees Retirement System of Texas is looking to allocate more capital to start-up hedge funds and take ownership stakes after backing Cinctive Capital Management in New York.
The $700 billion Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, ADIA, is boosting its internal fixed income capabilities and scaling up capacity to run active strategies in-house as it simplifies the portfolio to become more fleet-of-foot.
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