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FIS Toronto 2024

Investors talk inflation strategies

Three leading investors from around the world - USS from the UK, IMCO from Canada and APG from The Netherlands – discuss the importance of modelling and their strategies for investing in an inflationary environment, including allocating to inflation linked emerging debt and infrastructure.  
Fixed Income

USS invests in EM linkers

The £65 billion Universities Superannuation Scheme is investing in inflation-linked emerging market bonds to profit from developing economies higher bonds yields and levels of inflation.
Investor Profile

Connecticut fund manager seeks cash flow

United States equities and real estate were the strongest suits at the $26-billion Hartford-based State of Connecticut Retirement Plans and Trust Funds (CRPTF) out of an entire portfolio that posted 11.6 per cent in the fiscal year ending June 2013. Now the manager of Connecticut’s six retirement plans and nine trust funds is developing opportunistic […]
Investor Profile

Belgium’s KBC fund
thrives on LDI

Edwin Meysmans, chief executive of the KBC Pension Fund, sounds extremely relaxed for a man who rises early to avoid Brussels’ clogged roads on the way to the office. Then again, that Meysmans shies away from the madness of commuting crowds should perhaps be no real surprise given that his fund focuses on avoiding being […]

Inflation-linked bonds and their relative value as an inflation hedge

Treasury inflation-protected securities (TIPS) have a relatively unique profile within fixed income portfolios, which has important implications for investors’ setting of objectives and portfolio construction. This Towers Watson article explores the different motivations for using TIPS and other inflation hedges.