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Free advice: Mercer’s 10 tips for DC plans in 2014

As the growth of defined contribution plans continues to outpace the defined benefit sector, the focus for those running defined contribution plan sponsors should be on meeting objectives, good governance and investment risk management. Consulting firm, Mercer, has some advice for the DC sector. According to Mercer establishing best practices across all areas of defined […]
Uncategorised posts

Paul Marsh: live with low returns

The London Business School’s emeritus professor of finance Paul Marsh admits that you have to be slightly mad to embark on the kind of research detailed in the latest edition of Global Investment Returns Yearbook. This year Marsh and colleagues Elroy Dimson and Mike Staunton – Marsh describes the three of them, pictured below, as […]
Investor Profile

Position shift at University of Toronto Asset Management

In organisational terms there isn’t a stone unturned at University of Toronto Asset Management (UTAM). The organisation has a new board, new staff, new risk and reporting systems and has restructured its portfolios, including a new policy portfolio. Where previously the assets were managed in a traditional method, with public market assets and alternatives allocated […]
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Irresistible opportunity in Nigeria

The offices of Nigeria’s biggest pension fund manager sit at the end of a quiet side street on Victoria Island, Lagos’s bustling financial capital. Inside Stanbic IBTC’s aptly named Wealth House, indicative of Nigeria’s growing savings culture, a throng of customers jostle to query staff on pension matters. Four flights up, 48-year-old chief executive Demola […]
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KLM funds ride out de-risking turbulence

Pension funds can face a lot of turbulence in the course of their investing journey and many funds thrown into shortfalls have found the need to de-risk their portfolios. There might be a few investment officers at those funds casting an enviable eye upwards to the pension fund of Dutch flag-carrying airline KLM. Toine van […]

A healthier way to de-risk

Defined-benefit funds all over the world are focused on de-risking but the amount of innovation and players to meet this demand is wanting. Until now. A new report by the Pensions Institute at the Cass Business School examines the emergence of medically enhanced, underwritten or enhanced, bulk buy-ins, in which trustees buy a bulk annuity […]