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Industry events

Chiefs outline risks in global economy

The impact of inequality, the skills gap in employment, looming cyber risks and the fragility in Europe makes the chiefs of five financial services firms wary about the outlook for the global economy, delegates at the Milken Institute Global Conference heard.
Industry events

Lagarde on the global economy

From productivity growth, the mystification of inflation, levels of debt, and problems of capitalism Christine Lagarde, president of the IMF, shared with delegates at the Milken Global Conference her concerns about the global economy.
Investor Profile

UPS pension fund’s opportunistic future

The United Parcel Service corporate pension fund is finalising an asset liability study this year which will result in a new strategic asset allocation. The $28 billion US fund, typically has a lower allocation to fixed income than its peers and has a reasonably aggressive portfolio for a corporate defined benefit fund. It is a […]
Investor Profile

Centrica focuses on dynamic decision making

For the Centrica pension fund, which adopts a liability-matching portfolio approach, last year was busy for appraising new opportunities arising out of the fact banks are no longer lending. This year its focus is on being more dynamic. Amanda White spoke to chief investment officer of the £5.5 billion ($9 billion), Chetan Ghosh. The Centrica […]