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The power of technology: forward looking risk tools

The finance industry is slow in its willingness to innovate around technology, and is behind other industries says Jessica Donohue executive vice president, chief innovation officer and head of advisory and information solutions at State Street. And the cost of that inability, or stubbornness, around technology innovation is not inconsequential. State Street recently released its […]

Big data, big opportunities: investors wake up to analytics

As pension funds act more like asset managers, with internal investment responsibilities, they should focus on the competitive advantages to be gained from data and analytics.   The healthcare industry has seen a 20 per cent decrease in patient mortality by analysing streaming patient data. The Telco industry has seen a 92 per cent increase […]
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Academics and industry unite

The gargantuan impact of systemic risk in global financial markets has been corroborated by a consortium of industry and academics collaborating to provide independent quantitative research, insight and leadership on systemic risk. Driven by director of MIT’s Laboratory for Financial Engineering,  Andrew Lo, senior managing director at State Street Global Markets, Jessica Donohue, and managing […]