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Divestment doesn’t go far enough

Many investors are ridding their portfolios of assets that contribute to human suffering, but that may not go far enough. Tim Hodgson writes that a global fix requires something far more bold.
Investment Think Tanks

What would Keynes do?

What would Keynes’ do? Delegates at a London investment think-tank discussed this question with Cambridge University’s David Chambers. Keynes started managing the Kings College, Cambridge endowment after World War I and analysis of his investing style reveals some interesting annotations for investors today. John Maynard Keynes was not just an economist – he was a […]
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The case for long-termism

Keith Ambachtsheer’s lead article in the Fall 2014 edition of the Rotman International Journal of Pension Management, takes readers through an historical and logical journey that supports the case for long-termism. Importantly he validates this with four high-profile investor case studies which demonstrate that a long-term view benefits society but also the investors, willing to […]