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A mindset for the future

Angela Rodell, CEO of the Alaska SWF, looks into a post-COVID future and what investors, such as APFC, with an investment horizon of five years or longer, should be considering.

Leading from the future

Empathy and compassion will be essential qualities for leaders in a post-COVID-19 world. These ways of being can not be learned, but founder of Authentic Investor, Rob Lake, discusses three ways to cultivate them.

The power of collective investor action

It’s time for the responsible investment community to step up and play its role as long-term holders of capital and call corporations to account. It’s time for asset owners sitting at the apex of the investment chain to lead the financial sector through this crisis. We need to maintain a focus on long-term horizons and support collective action while trying to understand the real issues companies are facing from COVID-19 as well as the flow on effects to our individual portfolios.