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Liquidity: too little or too much can harm your portfolio

The rising popularity of private assets has made liquidity risk a growing concern for institutional investors, who need to carry enough liquidity for possible downturns, but avoid the opportunity cost of carrying too much, says Michelle Teng, vice president of the Institutional Advisory and Solutions group at PGIM.
Investor Profile

Coal moves to holistic management

The COVID crisis and the volatility of 2020 has revealed some lessons for the investment team at Coal Pension Trustees (CPT). It has taken a more top down view of managing its portfolio looking at economic themes, risk exposures, cashflows and its manager roster holistically. Amanda White talks to CIO Mark Walker about where it sees return opportunities, the prospect of manager consolidation and how it has embraced technology for better investment practices.
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New AA model prioritises liquidity

Singapore’s sovereign wealth fund GIC and PGIM, one of the world’s largest asset managers, have collaborated to develop a world-first asset allocation framework that explicitly models the impact of private assets on total portfolio liquidity, incorporating both the top-down allocation view and the bottom-up cash flow view.
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Liquidity, rebalancing reign at PSERS

Cash is king right now, according to CIO of the Pennsylvania School Employees’ Retirement System, Jim Grossman, and he’s got plenty of it. The fund has a very diversified asset allocation, with about half the portfolio invested in liquid assets and Grossman and his team are working hard to make sure that the strategic allocations are maintained.
Asset Allocation

Wiseman’s wise words for investors

Ensuring a portfolio has enough liquidity to rebalance back to the long-term strategic asset allocation is the most critical preparation investors can do ahead of any crisis, according to Mark Wiseman, who said this current environment could be the "opportunity of a generation".