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World Economic forum identifies global risks

The World Economic Forum’s 2014 Global Risk report, has implications for investors.   The report, released ahead of next week’s meeting in Davos, highlights how global risks are not only interconnected by also have systemic impacts. The risks were broken down into economic, environmental, geo-political and social. The seven economic risks were: fiscal crises in […]
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A new model of liquidity

The risk-adjusted benefit of being able to rebalance a portfolio is worth tens of basis points, according to new research that assigns risk and return measures to liquidity so it can be analysed alongside other portfolio decisions. The award-winning research is now being used by large sovereign wealth funds, to determine the value they should […]
Investor Profile

Danish PFA mutes Euro pessimism

Danish pension investor PFA is continuing a switch out of European government bonds in favor of global equities, but has begun reinvesting in Europe’s southern periphery. DKK-350-billion ($63-billion) PFA announced a $900 million purchase of equities in April, commenting at the time that the crisis in Cyprus had increased the risk to its European bond […]
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Subtle charm in new asset allocation models

There is an over-abundance of literature about the failure of traditional asset allocation models, and the need for a new alternative that will solve all the world’s problems. But a new model by Morgan Stanley Alternative Investment Partners caught my cynicism by surprise this week.
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What price liquidity?

Two interwoven areas of investment management – liquidity and risk management – have become a boon for academics in the wake of the financial crisis and the liquidity black holes that apparently formed within endowment and pension funds. It may seem to be an overabundance of research, but it’s in line with demand.