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Fiduciary duty in dysfunctional markets

Phil Edwards and Paul Woolley argue that if asset owners exhibit a more effective application of fiduciary duty to curb performance-chasing by verifying the implicit time horizon of the strategies adopted by the asset managers they employ, they could incentivise a shift towards longer horizons within financial markets with both private and social benefits.

Long-term disclosure post COVID-19

In times of uncertainty and disruption the “long-term” is a place that’s often easy to talk about but harder to operationalise but forward-looking information is highly valued, particularly during this crisis. To understand a company’s value proposition requires a real sense of its ability to innovate and be a source of disruption (not its victim). That requires a rounded view of the forward story and an assessment of key ESG issues and mega-trends.

Locking up capital has pros and cons

In theory, closed-end funds should outperform over long horizons – they can avoid forced sales. But in practice, lack of monitoring and alignment can lead to agency costs and underperformance.

Fund manager contracts and financial markets’ short-termism

This paper investigates the extent to which the delegation of funds management prevents long-term information acquisition, inducing short-termism in financial markets. The authors, Catherine Casamatta and Sebastien Pouget also study the design of long-term fund managers’ compensation contracts. Under moral hazard, fund managers’ compensation optimally depends on both short-term and long-term fund performance. Short-term performance […]

Focusing on the long term: a guide

Investors say they  like to, and want to, focus on the long term, but they often don’t know how to change their practices to orient their governance and investments to do so. Now, finally, a guide has been developed for investors to use as benchmark for implementing strategies for long-term investment. The guide is an […]

How to hedge long-term inflation-linked liabilities without inflation-linked instruments

Given the capacity constraints on local inflation-linked bond markets, what are other options for hedging long-term inflation-linked liabilities? This is a question Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan has been deliberating on as it supports an academic chair at EDHEC-Risk Institute with a focus on analysing the design of novel forms of liability-hedging portfolios that do not […]