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FIS Harvard 2019

We are going to live longer; prepare now

Understanding the economic implications of changing demographics is essential for investors, said Aubrey de Grey, a biomedical gerontologist speaking at the Fiduciary Investors' Symposium at Harvard University He said the technology exists today so that the ageing process can be combated and people will live much longer in the future than what they do today, so really “longevity is a side effect of health”. He urged investors to think about how people living longer will affect consumer behaviour and investee companies.
PRI in Person

PKA pioneers SDGs in emerging markets

Denmark's PKA pension fund is leading the way in investing in emerging markets in line with the SDGs. It targets 10 per cent of its $40 billion in alternative ESG investments and an increasing portion of that is invested in emerging markets via allocations to green bonds, infrastructure, microfinance, water sanitation and a specific SDG fund.
PRI in Person

Shell and shareholders chart evolution

At PRI in Person Sylvia van Waveren, director, active ownership at Robeco, and Adam Mathews, director of ethics and engagement at The Church of England’s Pensions Board sat down with Ben van Beurden, CEO of Royal Dutch Shell to chart their journey of dialogue and evolution that resulted in the oil giant setting carbon emissions targets linked to executive pay.

A guide for trustees for the long term

Last month the book Achieving Investment Excellence, was launched in the auditorium of Dutch pension investor APG. The book is a guide to empowering pension fund trustees to get a good grip on the difficulty of successful long-term investing for pension funds. spoke to one of the authors, principal director investment strategy of PGGM, Jaap van Dam.
Industry events

Changing reporting to the long term

The $3.5 billion Carnegie Foundation doesn’t report quarterly numbers and at its board meeting it doesn’t discuss performance at all. Pension funds looking to change behaviours towards a long term investing orientation could take heed from such foundations in how they report to their boards about performance.