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Focusing on the long term: a guide

Investors say they  like to, and want to, focus on the long term, but they often don’t know how to change their practices to orient their governance and investments to do so. Now, finally, a guide has been developed for investors to use as benchmark for implementing strategies for long-term investment. The guide is an […]

Pension fund governance needs an overhaul, still

How much has pension fund governance changed in the past 16 years? Not much! A survey of pension fund governance by Keith Ambachtsheer and John McLaughlin, which asked respondents the same questions in 1997, 2005 and 2014 reveal that the same “sources of excellence shortfall” exist today as they did 16 years ago. Pension fund […]
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OECD calls for policy solution to long term investing barriers

Governance of institutional investors and the lengthening investment chain causing  bigger distances between assets’ beneficial owners and those involved in executing investment strategies was one of three practical issues raised by the OECD general secretary as a barrier to more investment in long-term investing financing. Speaking at the OECD Project on Institutional Investors and Long-term […]
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Long term investing and infrastructure

There has been some ambiguity about what being a long-term investor means. For Australia’s Future Fund it means focusing on a few key aspects of our investments: understanding value, the ability to make and implement portfolio decisions and manager alignment. In this speech at the ASFA Global Investment Forum on infrastructure and long-term investment, Raphael […]
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Chinese SWFs need co-investors

China’s biggest sovereign wealth funds need, and want, co-investment opportunities in real assets and private equity and are open to new partnerships with international investors of the right credentials, and the longer term the partnership the better. This is the feedback of Michael Wadley, a specialist lawyer of Australian origin based in Shanghai, who runs […]

Serious policy barriers limit long-term investment

The OECD annual survey of large pension funds and public pension reserve funds, reveals the “existence of serious barriers that need to be urgently addressed at policy level” to encourage long-term investment. The survey, which looks at 86 institutional investors from more than 35 countries accounting for $9.7 trillion in assets, as part of a […]