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Long-term social investment, Milan style

Italy boasts relatively few institutional investors, but the Milan-based Fondazione Cariplo shows that new investing standards can still be set in the home of the renaissance. The €7-billion ($9.3-billion) foundation’s most coveted investment work is its pioneering Italian funds in social housing – an asset area that has been touted in larger markets as an […]

Equity risk expectations – a response to short-termism

Solving short-termism is being held up by the institutional investment industry as some sort of performance saviour. There have been many attempts at uncovering the problems of, and offering solutions to, short-termism with numerous reviews, conferences and papers discussing the need for long-term investing. These include the incentives and behaviour of asset owners, asset managers […]
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Dutch reform to tread lightly on investment mix

When the Netherlands pension reforms were announced in 2011, many experts argued they were likely to substantially increase the risk appetites at the funds guarding the country’s $1-trillion pension assets. Recent developments to the reform proposals make the overall impact far from clear, however, suggesting there will be no bonanza for Dutch investment managers. The […]
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GMO’s Grantham bets against irrational markets

Supposedly long-term investors typically have the patience to wait about three years to see if an investment strategy will pay-off with managers needing to manage to their own and their client’s career risk tolerance, investment icon and Grantham, Mayo and van Otterloo (GMO) founder Jeremy Grantham says. In his quarterly letter to investors, Grantham says […]
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Review highlights obstacles to long-term thinking

The Kay Review into UK equity markets and long-term decision-making is one of the more sensible of a raft of reviews that have evolved from the crisis. It looks at the interaction, behaviour, incentives and decision-making of all the players in the financial services “value chain”. More than some nationalities, the Brits have been concerned […]
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Keynes and the character required for a long-term view

In the interests of educating myself I recently read Chapter 12 “The State of Long-Term Expectations” in John Maynard Keynes’ seminal economics tome General Theory. I particularly like his statement: “it needs more intelligence to defeat the forces of time and our ignorance of the future than to beat the gun”, but then I’ve always […]