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The power of knowledge management

Funds management is often discussed in the context of it being part art and part science, however most of the literature centres around the science, the finance, of funds management. The premise of active management is that skills and knowledge are paramount to capturing excess returns above the benchmark. But despite this premise, little is […]
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Foundations and endowments flock to long duration

The risk of a US equity market decline and concerns over the future direction of interest rates has been driving US foundations and endowments’ asset allocation decisions in the past year, with a distinct move away from US equity to global allocations and away from US-focused core to longer duration and high yield. The latest […]
FIS Santa Monica 2012

Push the reset button on pension funds

The global economy is on life support and the best that can be expected for the next five to 10 years is to get out of the intensive care unit but not off the critical list. Slow growth, low interest rates, serious unemployment levels, marginalised activity in the growing informal sector, sovereignty as a defensive […]