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The importance of investment beliefs

It’s often said that investment beliefs provide the solid frame on which investment strategy can hang. Some of these Magna Carta’s are beguilingly simple, like ‘Costs Matter’. Others may enshrine beliefs like ‘A Long Term Investors Has Opportunities and Responsibilities.’ So, it was with keen interest that delegates at PRI in Person 2015, the annual […]
Investor Profile

PGGM finds out what it really means to be a long-term investor

Customised benchmarks, absolute return strategies and long-term mandates are all being considered by the PGGM executive team as it implements the new PFZW investment framework. Amanda White spoke to Ruulke Bagijn chief investment officer of private markets and Marcel Jeucken, managing director responsible investment at PGGM about what it really means to be a long-term […]
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Behind PGGM’s ESG index

In 2010 PGGM conducted a study to see if it was possible to reduce the number of companies it invested in from 4000 to 400, based on its environmental, social and governance leanings, and still maintain it’s beta risk/return profile. The idea was that the €133-billion ($174-billion) fund would better know and understand what it […]
Investor Profile

PGGM goes one step further

The €109-billion PGGM has been one of the global leaders in allocating assets according to ESG criteria. Now it is taking the philosophy one step further and aims to measure how all of its investments have a positive influence on the state of the world by measuring “sustainable returns”. The Dutch pension-fund service provider claims […]
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PGGM targets social added-value

PGGM will make targeted ESG investments in all investment categories in 2011, and complete research into the social added-value of those investments, which may also lead to a model to screen the entire portfolio for a sustainable return, according to its annual responsible investment report.