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ESG culture crucial to integration says innovating funds

Some of responsible investing’s most sophisticated adherents have moved from token aspirations to attempting to imbed environmental, social, governance integration into all their investment decisions. talked to Dutch asset manager PGGM and Danish fund ATP, which are both widely regarded as ESG leaders, about how they have integrated ESG into their investment processes.
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CalPERS steps up ESG drive

After an extensive review and high-level workshop earlier this month the CalPERS’ investment team will seek board  approval in December for a total-fund plan to more fully integrate environmental, social and corporate governance principles into all the investment decisions it makes in each of its asset class.
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CalPERS looks to bolster ESG integration

CalPERS has instigated an extensive review of its environmental, social and governance policies and practices and its move towards fuller integration of ESG factors into its investment decision-making which will include an overhaul of its procurement policies for external managers.