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Do managers walk the talk?

Research by Mercer and the IRCC Institute looks at the investment horizon of active long-only equity managers across different geographies and styles, examining the mismatch between the time-horizon over which managers think and say they invest and how they actually invest. It gives some insight into the causes, consequences and possible solutions to short-termism.
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Strategic implications drive climate change study

The 14 institutional investors participating in the climate change strategic asset allocation study, a collaborative between Mercer, Carbon Trust and the IFC, will all receive individual portfolio scenario analysis of how physical and policy climate change-related events could affect their portfolio at an asset allocation level.
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Mercer survey compares use of active management

In analysis completed for the Norwegian Ministry of Finance, Mercer has conducted a survey of active management, assessing the use and performance of active management at the total fund and asset class levels for 14 pension funds with combined assets of $950 billion, including eight funds from Europe and three from North America.
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Norway’s largest fund rejects passive management

A complete evaluation of active management including reports by Mercer and an international group of professors, has resulted in the Norges Bank Investment Management, manager of the $375 billion Government Pension Fund-Global, staunchly favouring active management, with the bank’s Governor and executive director of the NBIM describing “a passive, uninformed approach to operational decisions is […]