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Over the industry? Change it

The pension and funds management industry is self-serving. There are too many players, there’s too much jargon, too much leakage and too much patting each other on the back. And that’s not just my opinion: the results of a 12-month research project, across 60 countries and more than 3000 investors concur. The research by State […]
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DB plans continue to slide

The funded status of US defined-benefit corporate-pension plans continued to worsen last year, despite plan sponsors increasing contributions by $70 billion, a new Mercer study reveals. Mercer found funding levels have slipped to 2009 levels, with the outlook for 2012 likely to extend the bleak news for plan sponsors. The funded status of pension plans […]
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Mercer to review pay at Florida’s SBA

Florida’s State Board of Administration (SBA) has appointed Mercer to conduct a broad-ranging review of staff compensation that was initiated and will be overseen by the organisation’s independent investment advisory council. As part of this review, the investment advisory council (IAC) passed a motion at its recent quarterly meeting to provide annual recommendations to trustees […]
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ESG here to stay

Anyone who thought ESG was a passing fad can think again. The announcement this week that Mercer, which has led the consulting industry on standalone ESG ratings, will now integrate those factors across its ratings process has cemented ESG as an important investment risk and return consideration. The consultant rates more than 20,000 investment strategies […]

OECD investigates
market fragility

In this fourth part of an OECD working paper, researchers look at the potential that portfolio rebalancing by financial investors can contribute to spreading financial turmoil in a major market event such as the global financial crisis or ensuing sovereign debt crisis in Europe. In International Capital Mobility and Financial Fragility – Part 4: Which Structural […]
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Mercer integrates ESG

Mercer will integrate its proprietary environmental, social and governance (ESG) ratings across all of its manager-search and performance data, cementing ESG as a key investment consideration. The consultant rates more than 20,000 strategies, oversees more than $5 trillion of assets under advice and has $60 billion in its multi-manager products. Mercer has led the consulting […]