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The case for long-termism

Keith Ambachtsheer’s lead article in the Fall 2014 edition of the Rotman International Journal of Pension Management, takes readers through an historical and logical journey that supports the case for long-termism. Importantly he validates this with four high-profile investor case studies which demonstrate that a long-term view benefits society but also the investors, willing to […]
Emerging Markets

Emerging markets: the strategy choice

Usually when the $129-billion Ontario Teachers Pension Plan makes a strategic move, the rest of the investing community pays attention. With a 15-per-cent allocation to emerging markets and a strategic plan to increase it to 20 per cent over the next couple of years, OTPP just opened an office in Hong Kong to take advantage […]
Uncategorised posts

OTPP deals with underfunding

Even the most successful and well run pension plans are facing underfunding challenges. The $129-billion Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan is the latest to investigate solutions to solve the mismatch between the pension promise and the funds required to meet that, says Jim Leech, chief executive of the organisation . OTPP has appointed a taskforce – chaired […]

Who should co-invest in private equity?

Some pension funds have hit on a lucrative strategy to extract more value from their private equity portfolios. The £34-billion ($51.6-billion) Universities Superannuation Scheme, the United Kingdom’s second biggest pension fund for university and higher education staff, is expanding a private equity co-investment strategy begun in 2008. It’s a model whereby schemes portion some investment […]
Uncategorised posts

Code of conduct for proxy voting industry

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has developed a set of high level principles with the aim of encouraging the proxy voting industry to develop its own code of conduct. Speaking at the ICGN conference in Milan, the head of the investment and reporting division at ESMA, Laurent Degabriel, said it will set a […]
Investor Profile

CPPIB doubles logistics spend in China

The $165.8-billion Canadian Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) has substantially increased its investment in logistics properties in China, doubling its funding of a partnership with the Goodman Group. It is the second time in a year that CPPIB has doubled its exposure to logistics properties in this Chinese joint venture, with its latest injection of […]