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The Determinants of Pension Funds’ Allocation to Private Equity

This paper by the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) investigates the main determinants of pension funds investment in private equity funds, and particularly in venture capital and leverage buyouts in the US and Canada over the 1996-2011 period. The results show some important differences between pension funds allocating to private equity and more traditional assets. The first ones are […]
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New York’s budget, how would you spend it?

The city of New York spent $472.5 million on asset manager fees in 2012/13. The allocation of these funds is part of the $68 billion annual budget the City Comptroller has to run the city of New York. The bureau of asset management that oversees the $137.4 billion in pensions fits within that budget, but […]

Big data, big opportunities: investors wake up to analytics

As pension funds act more like asset managers, with internal investment responsibilities, they should focus on the competitive advantages to be gained from data and analytics.   The healthcare industry has seen a 20 per cent decrease in patient mortality by analysing streaming patient data. The Telco industry has seen a 92 per cent increase […]
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Investors call for conflict of interest code

As an outsourced provider, fund managers make a series of promises to investors. Anything that tempts the promise to be broken is a conflict of interest, according to chief executive of Carne Group, John Donohoe, whose organisation has conducted a survey of institutional investors’ attitudes to conflicts of interest. In a survey of global allocators […]

Serious policy barriers limit long-term investment

The OECD annual survey of large pension funds and public pension reserve funds, reveals the “existence of serious barriers that need to be urgently addressed at policy level” to encourage long-term investment. The survey, which looks at 86 institutional investors from more than 35 countries accounting for $9.7 trillion in assets, as part of a […]
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Copper: Where is the bottom?

For years metals such as aluminium, zinc and nickel have been persistently oversupplied. The copper market, in contrast, has been much tighter, primarily because China needs to import the metal but is largely selfsufficient in other metals. This has seen copper trade at a premium to other base metals and be recognised as a good […]